Monday, October 17, 2011

Book Haul! No. 5 (Library & Used)

!Hola amigos!

I never keep up with my blog, and I apologize. I always add blogs after I upload any videos. Speaking of videos, I seem to be slowing down a bit on that, but don't fear! There will be more to come. I have to come up with some ideas besides book reviews and book hauls. I think I'm going to read tidbits from some books. I don't know. I'm not very creative :( Anyways, this is haul blog! I hauled 8 books! Two that I bought and the rest are from the library. Hope you enjoy.

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins - About five teenagers who are forced into bad circumstances. It's about their survival.
Perfect by Ellen Hopkins - The sequel to Impulse.
The Declaration by Gemma Malley - Dystopia fiction!
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson - A young girl wakes up and remembers nothing but that she confessed to murdering a young girl.
Unwind by Neal Shusterman - More dystopia fiction! YAY!
Gone by Michael Grant - Another... I think I like dystopia fiction.
In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (bought) - First book published by author at age 13. About shapeshifters.
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous (bought) - A real diary that was submitted in the 1970s. A young girl's adventure with drugs and sex (I think).

Tons of books to be read! YAYAYAY!

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