Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Apologize

I understand that I haven't been round for a while, and it's probably only going to get worse. I doubt anyone reads these blogs, but whatever. They're mostly for me, anyway! I have been reading like crazy these days, but not reviewing any books. I write down reviews but I never make a video for them. I've noticed that people love book hauls more than book reviews. I feel that way also. I do want to do book reviews but I have to polish the way I review a book. I've been thinking of changing the way my channel is.

They're just ideas, nothing solid. I was thinking about changing it starting next year, but realized that after January 21st, I'll be in school. That's right! I'm going to college. Nothing major... just prereqs. Then off to nursing school. I was thinking about hauling around 5-7 books a month and reviewing them that month and then doing a sort of wrap up of each month. Every month would have its own theme. Like, for instance, a genre or a particular author.

I'm just talking away! I really do want to get this channel up and going! I feel the need to make it better, but laziness sneaks its way in. I want to thank all the people who have subscribed and watched my videos. It means so much to me! I will definitely have something special for when I reach 50 subscribers. I'm at 31 now! I would never have believed that people would want to watch my videos... so thank you! :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's! Wait... I forgot Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble.

(Sorry, I'm not saying "Happy Holidays". I celebrate Christmas, if you don't, then sorry. But the majority of America celebrates Christmas... uh-oh. Religious and political views getting in the way! :p)

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