Monday, October 3, 2011

The Hunger Games

Panem is what once was North America. It is the Capitol which is surrounded by 12 districts. There was once 13, but District 13 rebelled against the Capitol and they were annihilated. To keep the districts in line, the Capitol created The Hunger Games. Two tributes from each district are selected to participate in The Hunger Games. The objective of the game is to fight for the death. The last person standing is the winner. 

I've seen this book among many youtube book reviewers. In high school, many of the young girls that I hung around insisted that I pick up The Hunger Games, but I was too busy at the time. When the library had this book, I was super stoked! I made myself wait until I was finished with all of the other books to read The Hunger Games. When I started reading it, I couldn't put the book down. The plot, the setting, the characters, everything pulled me instantly in and I was trapped. I have no complaints whatsoever. I can't wait for the second one in the trilogy! 

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