Monday, March 5, 2012

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - Book Review

I don't need to go over the summary of this book, do I? I mean, this book has been on the list of favorites for a long time. It's been on my shelf for a while. I kept meaning to get to it, but there were always other books that had me more interested.

My thoughts and feelings on this book? It's simple. I enjoyed the book. However, I realized that through the middle of the book that it had become very predictable. I figured out everything before it happened. Sometimes I applaud myself for figuring out what happens in books, but for some reason, in this particular one, it frustrated me. It seemed to be TOO predictable.

That's the only negative thing I have to say about City of Bones. I enjoyed the book immensely. The characters seemed solid to me, except for a few exceptions, like Jocelyn and Valentine since they weren't really in the book, just tossed around a lot. The plot intrigued me. I love a world full of fantastical creatures, and Clare created just that.

I gave it four stars out of five. I cannot wait for the next one and the one after that. I'm a little behind,  but I'll catch up soon enough.


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