Thursday, March 15, 2012

51 subscribers!

YAY! I'm excited. 51 subscribers... that's amazing! I never thought I'd have this many. Thank you so much :)))))

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cinder by Marissa Meyer - Book Review (Spoilers... maybe)

This novel takes place in New Beijing. It is a futuristic novel; we know this, because of the mention of technology like netscreens, androids, and cyborgs. The main character in the novel is named Cinder. Cinder is a 17 or 18 year old girl. She is cyborg. Cinder hates herself because of her "monstrosities" that is her arm and leg. When she was little, her parents were killed in a hover crash. She survived, but barely. Scientists operated on her and she was reborn. Not many people in the Eastern Commonwealth like cyborgs. Her stepmother, Adri, hates them. She especially doesn't like Cinder; she blames Cinder for the death of her husband and everything else that is bad. Her stepsister Pearl doesn't like her either. The only people that like her are Peony (her other stepsister) and Iko (Adri's android). The story is about her adventure when she meets the prince and her discovery of who she really is.

I knew I would love the story... but I didn't know how much. I feel like I need to actually buy the book so I can read it over and over. It provided me with a new look at science-fiction... one of the genres that I have a hard time getting into. But it also had that sort of fantasy twist - which I didn't expect. Overall, I absolutely loved it. The characters weren't that deep, but since I found out that it is in a series, I'll expect the characters to blossom and grow. The plot and setting were the most magnificent in this book. Marissa Meyer really thought about this book and gave it something new that the YA section needed.

Now... for the negative side of this review. The only thing I didn't enjoy was how predictable it became towards the end. I know that happens a lot with YA fiction, since there is so much of it... but come on! There could have been something a little more exciting than the ending I got. Also, I hated how it left off. I wasn't expecting a series from this author. I truly wanted a one time go with Cinder. I didn't expect to have to wait until the next one comes out. The depth of the book was pretty ... shallow? I don't know if it's just me, but sometimes YA books don't have that much DEPTH. I wanted a little more than just the same old gushy, gushy romance. I have to keep in mind though that this is a retelling of Cinderella.

Since I have mentioned that is a retelling of Cinderella, what are my thoughts on that? I'm really not a fan of Cinderella, since Disney made it seem so... happy. But in high school I read a short story of the actual fairy tale of Cinderella - you know, the more darker side of Cinderella. And I enjoyed it. I want Cinderella to be this independent woman who doesn't just stop and drop her life for prince charming. Cinder wasn't really like that, she didn't give in to Kai like the rest of the girls in the Eastern Commonwealth did... but she still couldn't help falling for him because of his "smile."

I give this book a 4.5 out of 5 star rating. It was good! I'm a little irritated that I have to wait for the second one... but oh well, I can be patient.

Friday, March 9, 2012

March Book Haul (Library & Used)

March Book Haul: Fantasy & Dystopia

Hope you guys are having a  great weekend. This weekend is going to be busy but hopefully I will be able to put in some reading.

The books I plan to read in March:
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan
The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff
The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge

Books that I bought used:
Massive by Julia Bell
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Halo by Alexandra Adorentto
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris

I have 49 subscribers on youtube! One more until I hit 50... I believe I shall have a special giveaway. Stay tuned for reviews please. Hopefully I'll get them up this month.

Monday, March 5, 2012

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - Book Review

I don't need to go over the summary of this book, do I? I mean, this book has been on the list of favorites for a long time. It's been on my shelf for a while. I kept meaning to get to it, but there were always other books that had me more interested.

My thoughts and feelings on this book? It's simple. I enjoyed the book. However, I realized that through the middle of the book that it had become very predictable. I figured out everything before it happened. Sometimes I applaud myself for figuring out what happens in books, but for some reason, in this particular one, it frustrated me. It seemed to be TOO predictable.

That's the only negative thing I have to say about City of Bones. I enjoyed the book immensely. The characters seemed solid to me, except for a few exceptions, like Jocelyn and Valentine since they weren't really in the book, just tossed around a lot. The plot intrigued me. I love a world full of fantastical creatures, and Clare created just that.

I gave it four stars out of five. I cannot wait for the next one and the one after that. I'm a little behind,  but I'll catch up soon enough.
